Friday 25 November 2016

Mood-boards and Mockups

Firstly i'm going to make some mood-boards for the sun and the times, this will then help me with the conventions and image of my mock ups. 

The Sun 

The Times 

As you can see the two mood boards are different but yet similar, its clear that The Suns mood-board is more tv and reality based due to their audience and The Times has a more upper class feel with the classic cars, big issue, readers digest and sporting mags. from this i can now take the different conventions and likes of the audience into account when i make my mock ups. 

All of these magazines are conventional with the CDE audience for The Sun newspaper and the ABC audience for the The Times audience, as you can see The Sun have a more bright and bold set of magazines, they feature a lot of celebrity gossip etc. The Times newspaper moodboard has a lot of toned down colours and a more formal style of magazines. 

The Sun magazine mock up 

These are my mock-up designs for both magazines, The sun Magazine, which is the first one titled, The Sun magazine has a bright and welcoming feel, it has Beyonce on the front and will be filled with gossip and reality etc.this genre of news, is what entices the CDE audience, i have also used big bold, and sans-serif font, this font is conventional for the tabloid newspapers. The cheap tabloid look is conventional for the audience i am trying to target, i have involved an advert, because this is another enticing factor for the lower demographic audience. 

When i made my mood boards i found that the CDE audience liked magazines that where bright, and based around celebrity gossip and television. my overall design has taken inspirations from the magazines, i have made the design really bright and used a main image of the superstar Beyonce to bring the audience in and eep them interested. 

The Times magazine mock-up

The Times Magazine has Donald Trump on the front, this is because this is the largest political subject at the moment, with broadsheets, they will broadcast the actual news and will promote the facts. its a lot more formal and clear cut design. 

I have tried to tone down the background and make it look a lot more up market. as you can see the mock ups are not that detailed however i i was to actually make them i would include, the serif fonts, these fonts make it look more formal and historic. when i was creating the mock-up, i wanted to make it look trusted and older, it will appeal to an older and more sophisticated audience just like the newspaper its self. un like The Sun magazine i have decided not to include advertisement as this is not a typical convention of a broadsheet newspaper. 

When looking at the mood board that i made for the times news paper, i took influence that the audience like the more formal and up market magazines, such as Readers digest and classic car. all of these magazines have a more formal and simple layout, they all try and use a toned down colour schemes, such as greys and lights colours, they are not typically, bright and bold colours. because of the conventional style i have gone with this for my own mock-up design.  

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