Tuesday 1 November 2016

Define the target audience for each newspaper using appropriate subject terminology

“The Sun” and “The Times” are two of todays most popular newspapers, they are both owned by the same person “Rupert Murdoch” however they have two very different styles and audiences. 

The Times 
When looking at The Times facts and figures you can see that the 65+ age bracket with 34.1% is there largest consumers, the reason for this is due to there lifestyles, people of this age were brought up with newspapers and therefore are familiar with buying and reading newspapers. A younger demographic are more internet based. When looking at the times social demographic you can see that there the AB Adult demographic is there largest, this shows that the upper middle class is there main audience, this would suggest the content is more formal.

The Sun
Looking at the “The Suns” audience facts I can see that its a more popular magazine with considerably more readers there circulation is 1.6 million, this is all shown on the picture below. Their main age range is also the 65+with 25.9% I believe the reasons are the same, because they are familiar with this type of media they have continued to read the news in this format. “The Suns” social demographic is very different, there main demographic is the DE grade, this is the lowest grade on the spectrum, the main audience has the lowest pay grade.


When comparing both “The Sun” and “The Times” its evident that the content must be very different even though they are owned by the same person. "The Times" has the upper middle class audience which would include the higher managerial, administrative or professional. Therefore they will have the more formal and sophisticated storys and articles where as "The Suns" demographic is the lower class. This would include the casual or lowest grade workers, pensioners, and others who depend on the welfare state for their income. This would suggest that the articles are less formal and suited to a less sophisticated audience. 

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