Thursday 19 January 2017

What are the key characteristics of diffrent theorys

  1. What are the key characteristics of this theory, explain in your own words how this is theory works?
  2. Draw a diagram of find another way other than words to explain this theory 
  3. Find a use a Media example (Poster, Film, TV show, Social Media) that you could apply this theory to? How would you measure the effect on the audience to show if this theory is successful?
Passive or active consumption

A passive consumption is when the audience will engage with the media messages that are conveyed through tv etc they will take the information given and will believe it with  i question . they will sometimes question the messages that are being conveyed through life experiences. some people may take the information in a different way and they may question the meaning. different audiences will act in different ways. some audience members may chose to just take the information and in believe what is being said to them, some audiences for example the audience of question time, a show that discuss world issues may see this differently, the audience are aloud to ask questions and therefore they will be more active and want to ask them questions, this shows they may see a different opinion and maybe question the information given to them .


hypodermic needle model

The hypodermic needle effect is a theory that implied mass media had a direct immediate and powerful effect on its audience. the mass media in the 1940s and the 1950s were perceived as a powerful influence on behaviour change. a great example of the hypodermic model would be the broadcast for the war of the worlds, in 1930 in the USA the newly formed mercury theatre and orson welles joined together to create a radio broadcast, it was a fake drama bulletin about aliens invading the world, the broadcast was based on the novel war of the worlds, it was considered a panic broadcast. the estimated audience was around 12 million, and around 1 million of these audience members believed that this was real and the world was coming to an end, this is a great example of the media spoon feeding information the public and creating a huge reaction making headlines world wide.

The massive reaction this had on the audience just proves that this theory is in fact true, people listen to a radio station and would subconsciously believes what they are hearing without any question, the world has become so depended on media and will believe anything that is fed to them. even today we have many headlines that are misleading to the audience, just recently a film crew was filming a plane crash for a film and fox news reports on their being a plane crash on the high way, they were clearly uninformed of the filming event and this led people to believe that there was a real crash.

some over previous example would include all of the war propaganda, in world war 2 propaganda was really influential to the people exposed to them, the posters were all used to make people believe in certain things, some would make the army seem amazing and therefore they would be influence to sign up, the example I have here is almost scaring parents into buying war bonds, the image conveys a message that without war bonds your child will become a Nazi, very untrue however believed by as mass audience.
Image result for WW2 Propaganda

Uses and gratification study

The uses and gratification theory suggests that audiences actively use the media to help them and meet their own personal needs, an example may be magazines such as fashion magazines may be used by some people to make up for their lack of self esteem or social success. the theory deals with the effect pf people on the media, it describes mass communication, as it provides an approach that the audience is on the centre of. its all about how the audience take the media and use them to benefit themselves. The theory emphasises that the media need to limit there effect because the audience are able to exercise this and take control over there media. the main message behind the theory is not what the media does to the people, its what the people take from the media and what they do to the media. 

It is suggested that to fit into the theory you have to fulfil one of theses points in a form of media

Identify- being able to recognise the product or person in front of you, role models that reflect similar values to yours, aspiration to someone else 

Educate- being able to acquire information, knowledge and understanding.

Entertain- what you consume or watch should give u enjoyment or some sense of happiness, it should also give you some sort of escapism, this will enable the audience to shortly forget the troubles of there everyday life.  

Social interaction-the ability for media products to produce a topic of conversation between other people sparks debates, creates a talking point.

Reception study including responses

Reception theories is when producers or directors constructs a text encoded with a hidden message or messages, these messages is what the producer or director want to give across and convey to there target audience. If this is done correctly the audience should pick the message up straight away. however this message should be reminded through out the video, this will be done with dialogue or actions through out.

Stuart hall identified three types of audiences reading messages. 




Dominant is what the audience wants to hear and see from people and then agreeing, however they will have some limited knowledge of the subject. an example may be politicians, politicians will do speeches ad tell the public exactly what they want to hear, they might say they want improvements to the NHS and public transport.

Negotiated is when the audience agrees, disagrees or questions a political speech or news broadcast, this part of the theory refers to people maybe questioning or disagreeing with the message that is being conveyed or the message that the director or producer would like to convey. an example was when fox news was considered biased news outlet who support the republican party. 

Oppositional is when  the audience will take the information in and will understand the message being conveyed however the chose to reject this message because they have other cultural or political opinions. its in the title, they always side on the oppositional side than what the program will want to convey. when the audience is in this category you will not change their views as there mind is already made up. 

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