Wednesday 15 February 2017


Vladimir Propp

Vladimir propp was a literary critic and a scholar who founded the theory that in every narrative structure there would be certain types of characters, he builds a character profile for each type that he identified. His theory influenced many different filmmakers from writing and producing successful and effective narratives. Propp also claimed that fairy tales follow a specific narrative structure.

Vladimir prop was Russian and he analysed many of his country’s folk tales, within this he identified key themes, he broke down the different stories into morphemes, these are analysable chunks of the tales, he also identified 31 narratemes, these are narrative units. “Propp has been both lauded for his structural approach and criticized for his lack of sensitivity to subtle story elements such as mood and deeper context.”

Here are the 31 narrative elements that propp identified, he believes that in all narratives there is this structure, it would have the same stereotypical elements and characters in the story. He would identify that in every production there would be a relationship etc.

1st Sphere: Introduction
Steps 1 to 7 introduces the situation and most of the main characters, setting the scene for subsequent adventure.
2nd Sphere: The Body of the story
The main story starts here and extends to the departure of the hero on the main quest.
3rd Sphere: The Donor Sequence
In the third sphere, the hero goes in search of a method by which the solution may be reached, gaining the magical agent from the Donor. Note that this in itself may be a complete story.
4th Sphere: The Hero’s return
In the final (and often optional) phase of the storyline, the hero returns home, hopefully uneventfully and to a hero's welcome, although this may not always be the case.

Tzvetan Todorov              

Tzvetan Todorov was a French-Bulgarian historian, philosopher, structuralist, literary critic, socialist and essayist. Through his life he published many essays and books all of these products had influence in anthropologysociologysemioticsliterary theorythought history and culture theory.

In 1969 todorov produced a theory, this theory was a theory about narrative structure, he believed that he could apply this theory to any film. He strongly believed that every film followed the same narrative structure. The structure of the film all went through stages called equilibrium, disequilibrium, acknowledgement, solving and again equilibrium.

                            There are five stages the narrative can progress through:
1. A state of equilibrium (All is as it should be.)
2. A disruption of that order by an event.
3. A recognition that the disorder has occurred.
4. An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption.
5. A return or restoration of a NEW equilibrium

Levi strauss
“Claude Levi-Strauss (1908-2009) is one of France’s foremost thinkers of the 20th century. The celebrated philosopher and anthropologist is one of the key figures of structuralism and is along with Franz Boas and James George Frazer often referred to as the “father of modern anthropology” as he dramatically changed the Western perception of culture and civilisation.”

strauss studied hundreds of legends and myths from all around the world from all different cultures, from all of his research he found that we as humans make sense of the world, people and different events by seeing and using binary opposites. He’s main theory was that all narratives will be arranged around the conflict of binary opposites.

In the mid 20th century, the 2 major thinkers for Europe, strauss and Roland Barthes, came together and they researched into the way we understand different words, it wasn’t the meaning of the words it was the understanding of the difference of the word and its opposite, this would be the words binary opposite. After long researching the pair discovered that words act simply as a symbol for society’s ideas and the relationship of the world rather than the fixed meaning

Roland Barthes

Roland Barthes was a French literary theorist, philosopher, critic and semiotician, he explored a diverse range of fields and have a massive impact even today. Roland discovered a theory called codes theory, Roland described a text as a “galaxy of signifiers, not a structure of signified, what Barthes meant by this is the meaning never stops evolving, its like a thread that needs unraveling, you can continue to unravel the narrative from a different angle and create an entirely different meaning.

Barthes narrowed down the text into 5 different codes which would be found into any narrative.

 The hermeneutic code (the voice of the truth)

This is when the story avoids telling the truth, it will purposely hide some of the facts, this is so they can drop clues through the story, this helps create tension and mystery through the story.

The enigma, proairetic code (empirical voice)

The way the tension is built up and the audience is left guessing what is going to happen, this would usually cause suspense and tension.

The symbolic code (the voice of symbols)

This code is similar to semantic code, however this code is on a wider scale, this code organizes semantic meanings into broader and deeper sets of antithesis, where new meanings arises out opposing and conflict ideas, basically the binary opposite ideas.

The cultural code (voice of science)
This code would look more in depth at the audiences cultural knowledge, morality and ideology.

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